
Good Good Study, Day Day Up


The MATLAB builtin function gallery('randsvd') can only generate random matrix or symmetric positive definite matrix.
However, usually we need to test our algorithms for symmetric matrix. Although you can get symmetric matrix by A = randn(n); A = A + A';, it would be nice to inherit the features from gallery('randsvd'), such as control the singular values distributions.
The following code achieves such desire by artificially introducing negative signs into the eigenvalues of the symmetric positive definite matrix generated by gallery('randsvd').
In addtion, the function returns the eigenvalues of your random, symmetric, real matrix for you. Such that you can test your eigen-solvers!

  • version: 14 Oct 2023.
function [A,evals] = my_randsvd(n, kappa, mode)
%MY_RANDSVD Customized gallery('randsvd')
%  [A, EVALS] = my_randsvd(N, KAPPA, MODE) generates
%  a random symmetric matrix A of order N with cond(A) = KAPPA
%  and singular values from distribution MODE, and 
%  the eigenvalues of A, EVALS, at double precision. 
% Input :
%      N : Size of the matrix.
%  KAPPA : pre-defined 2-norm condition number for the output,
%          if kappa is negative, it will return a symmetric
%          positive definite matrix.
%		   Default value is 100.
%   MODE : one of the following values:
%	       1: one large singular value,
%		   2: one small singular value,
%		   3: geometrically distributed singular values,
%		   4: arithmetically distributed singular values,
%		   5: random singular values with uniformly distributed
%		      logarithm.
%          Default value is 3. 
% Reference:
% The MATLAB 'gallery' function.
% https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/gallery.html 

classname = 'double';

switch nargin
	case 1
		kappa = 100;
		mode = 3;
	case 2
		mode = 3;

% check if we need export p.d. matrix
if sign(kappa) == 1, pd = false; else, pd = true; end
kappa = abs(kappa);

switch mode % Set up vector of singular values
	case 1
		sigma = ones(n,1)./kappa;
		sigma(1) = 1;

	case 2
		sigma = ones(n,1);
		sigma(n) = 1/kappa;

	case 3
		factor = kappa^(-1/(n-1));
		sigma = factor.^(0:n-1);

	case 4
		sigma = ones(n,1) - (0:n-1)'/(n-1)*(1-1/kappa);

	case 5    % In this case cond(A) <= kappa.
		sigma = exp( -rand(n,1)*log(kappa) );


sigma = cast(sigma,classname);

if ~pd % randomly introducing signs
	[l,j] = size(sigma(2:n-1));
	signs = sign(rand(1,n-2)*2-1)';
	signs = reshape(signs,[l,j]);
	sigma(2:n-1) = sigma(2:n-1) .* signs;

Q = qmult(n,1,classname);
A = Q*diag(sigma)*Q';
A = (A + A')/2; % ensure symmetry

% output true eigenvalues/singular values
if nargout == 2
    evals = sigma';


% The function above rely on the following function

function B = qmult(A,method,classname)
%QMULT Pre-multiply matrix by random orthogonal matrix.
%   QMULT(A) returns Q*A where Q is a random real orthogonal matrix
%   from the Haar distribution of dimension the number of rows in A.
%   Special case: if A is a scalar then QMULT(A) is the same as QMULT(EYE(A)).
%   QMULT(A,METHOD) specifies how the computations are carried out.
%   METHOD = 0 is the default, while METHOD = 1 uses a call to QR,
%   which is much faster for large dimensions, even though it uses more flops.


%   Reference:
%   G. W. Stewart, The efficient generation of random
%   orthogonal matrices with an application to condition estimators,
%   SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 17 (1980), 403-409.
%   Nicholas J. Higham
%   Copyright 1984-2020 The MathWorks, Inc.

if nargin < 2 || isempty(method)
	method = 0;
%  Handle scalar A.
if isscalar(A)
	n = A;
	A = eye(n,classname);
	n = size(A, 1);
if isempty(A) % nothing to do.
	B = A;
if method == 1
	[Q,R] = qr(randn(n));
	B = Q*diag(sign(diag(R)))*A;
d = zeros(n,1,classname);
for k = n-1:-1:1
	% Generate random Householder transformation.
	x = randn(n-k+1,1);
	s = norm(x);
	sgn = mysign(x(1));
	s = sgn*s;
	d(k) = -sgn;
	x(1) = x(1) + s;
	beta = s*x(1);
	% Apply the transformation to A.
	y = x'*A(k:n,:);
	A(k:n,:) = A(k:n,:) - x*(y/beta);
% Tidy up signs.
for i=1:n-1
	A(i,:) = d(i)*A(i,:);
A(n,:) = A(n,:)*mysign(randn);
B = A;

function S = mysign(A)
%MYSIGN True sign function with MYSIGN(0) = 1.

%   Called by various matrices in elmat/private.
%   Nicholas J. Higham
%   Copyright 1984-2013 The MathWorks, Inc.
S = sign(A);
S(S==0) = 1;
  • Acknowledgement. Professor Nicholas J. Higham.